Product image 1CHICKEN & WAFFLES XQ
Product image 2CHICKEN & WAFFLES XQ

Regular price $ 64.95

CHICKEN & WAFFLES is back for 2023...and it’s even more DELICIOUS and DELECTABLE than ever before!

Originally, Chicken & Waffles was our own private blend—but it was too good to just keep to ourselves! When we released it to the Ezra Zion Nation years ago...the feedback was absolutely overwhelming! 

CHICKEN & WAFFLES XQ takes the Chicken & Waffles Series to a whole other level! The richness and complexity of flavors that we were able to achieve in this cigar are unbelievable!

The designation as an “XQ” blend means “eXtra Quality”. It’s our own internal tobacco warehouse designation denoting the most elite and most luxurious tobaccos! ANY cigar made with this EXTREMELY RARE tobacco in it…is gonna stand head and shoulders above the rest!

I'm gonna be blunt...CHICKEN & WAFFLES XQ is a total flavor bomb! The perfect blend of savory and sweet, spice and cream, strength and complexity!

I will say this...CHICKEN & WAFFLES XQ is one of our favorite blends ever! When you smoke it you will understand what I’m talking about. In the pantheon of legendary Ezra Zion blends, this absolutely sits on the top shelf!

CHICKEN & WAFFLES XQ is a full-bodied, med/full strength 6x52 classic toro. The wrapper for the XQ Edition is a silky Corojo 99 leaf. (Just look at that picture!) Fillers will remain very top secret...but they are all 9-12 years aged!

First light is a massive wave of flavors! Brown sugar, milk chocolate, and warm caramel rush across the palate. Cinnamon stick, vanilla bean, and heavy whipping cream immediately follow. Raw leather notes emerge on the finish. The retrohale adds a warm spicy burn. 

As it progresses, the blend becomes even smoother. Coffee bean, Almond Roca, and maple emerge. The age of the tobacco really begins to shine. Hints of chocolate frosting and nutmeg emerge on the finish.

Halfway, it gets even richer! Creamy butter and cappuccino come to the fore. Anise, clove, and white oak join the mix. A wave of raw sugar cane and hazelnut linger on the palate. The balance and sophistication of this cigar is absolutely second to none! So phenomenal!

Last third, everything elevates and intensifies! Dark chocolate, burnt marshmallow, and aged tobacco (don't know how to even describe this amazing flavor) begin to dominate. Maple syrup complimented by spicy black pepper. The burn is perfect and the cigar is cool all the way to the nub!

CHICKEN & WAFFLES XQ is some of the best blending work we’ve ever done! Period. It's an absolutely luscious cigar! You’re gonna love it!

CHICKEN & WAFFLES XQ will be SOLD OUT so fast! Sincerest apologies to those who miss it! We try to let everyone know ASAP whenever there's a new release. (Make sure to join our text notifications by texting EzraZion to 817-391-9271.)

Get this cigar by any means necessary! Trust me...you DO NOT want to miss this one!

Getcha Some NOW!

Total Production: 575

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