Regular price $ 29.95
Lots of brand new Ezra Zion blends added!
If you've ever wanted to know what we smoke in our off time, now you know. We smoke samples from the hundreds of blends we've created over the years. In fact, if you came over for a BBQ, these are what we'd smoke all day!
We thought it would be the coolest thing ever to pull back the curtain--or in this case open the door to the Ezra Zion Humidor Vault--and share these cigars with you.
Few things to note before you order:
1. These are blending session cigars not regular production cigars. They haven't been in a cigar press as long. They are done on the fly to taste the tobacco combinations and flavors. A few may have a wavy burn or an open draw. Some might even have a rough cap or foot. It happens when you're down and dirty in the throws of blending. Just smoke it. You'll like it. It's not about aesthetics, it's about the tobacco!
2. No two orders will ever be the same. We have Corojo, San Andres Maduro, Habano, Connecticut wrappers, and a lot more. Cigars of all shapes and sizes. These are the ultimate mystery sampler--much like blending is. That's the fun of it to us. You get to smoke something that will never be available again!
3. You may get something you recognize. Before they were Ezra Zion cigar releases, they were blends! Mixed in here are samples from just about every cigar we've ever put out to the public.
4. Tell us if you find one that we should make into a full production cigar. Hey, we trust your palate. Let us know if we've got the next #1 Cigar of the Year on our hands.
Hey, where else can you get genuinely boutique cigars for that price? GETCHA SOME!